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Installing the Free G729 Codec for Asterisk
This tutorial will let you install the G729 Codec on an Asterisk installation in under 5 minutes. Navigate to the codecs directory: cd /usr/lib/asterisk/modules Download the codec Codecs are provided as binary .so files, you can find the archive at Take care of the following when picking up one of the files, they depend […]
Connect Cisco SPA400 SIP Gateway (4 FXO Ports) with Asterisk
On Asterisk /etc/asterisk/sip.conf, you need to configure the account exactly similar to User ID of SPA400 The entries in sip.conf to enable Asterisk register to SPA400 are as follow: [general] register => 9000@ Replace 9000 with the value you entered in the User ID of SPA400, and replace with the IP address of the […]
Howto setup Asterisk behind NAT
This HOWTO assumes that your FreePBX system is sitting behind a NATed firewall with no direct connection to the outside world and it is NOT in the DMZ zone. If you have your system facing outside, or have used Mapped IP addresses or other techniques, then it is assumed that you have adequate knowledge to […]