Red hat linux

Gitlab reset Password for root

You will need to do the following: SSH into your Droplet where GitLab is installed. ssh [your-user]@[your-droplet-ip-address] Open the GitLab Rails console. If you installed GitLab via the Omnibus package, you can open the Rails console with: sudo gitlab-rails console Locate the root user and change the password. Once in the console, enter the following commands: user = […]

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Kubernetes Red hat linux

Deploy NGINX Ingress Controller on AKS Kubernetes using Helm

Step 1 – Allocate Public IP for Ingress The following command will allocate Public IP : az network public-ip create –resource-group [resource-group] –name [name for public IP] –sku Standard –allocation-method static –query publicIp.ipAddress -o tsv Step 2 – Install NGINX Ingress Controller using Helm An ingress controller, because it is a core component of Kubernetes, […]


DevOps Kubernetes

kubectl Quick Reference

Kubectl autocomplete BASH source <(kubectl completion bash) # set up autocomplete in bash into the current shell, bash-completion package should be installed first. echo “source <(kubectl completion bash)” >> ~/.bashrc # add autocomplete permanently to your bash shell. You can also use a shorthand alias for kubectl that also works with completion: alias k=kubectl complete -o default […]



Install Terraform on CentOS Using Package Repository

The HashiCorp repository contains other non-Terraform packages that will be available for installing after you add the repository. Follow the steps to install Terraform from the official HashiCorp repository on a CentOS system. 1. Install the yum-utils tools: sudo yum install -y yum-utils 2. Add the HashiCorp repository: sudo yum-config-manager –add-repo 3. Finally, install Terraform using […]



Install Jenkins on Rocky Linux 9

Configure jenlkins repo. sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/jenkins.repo \ sudo rpm –import sudo yum upgrade # Add required dependencies for the jenkins package sudo yum install fontconfig java-17-openjdk sudo yum install jenkins sudo systemctl daemon-reload Weekly release A new release is produced weekly to deliver bug fixes and features to users and plugin developers. […]
