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Purge binary logs in MySQL
Please do not just delete them in the OS. You need to let mysqld do that for you. Here is how mysqld manages it: The file mysql-bin.[index] keeps a list of all binary logs mysqld has generated and auto-rotated. The mechanisms for cleaning out the binlogs in conjunction with mysql-bin.[index] are: PURGE BINARY LOGS TO […]
Update oVirt hosted-engine host certificates VM if the are expired
Environment: Red Hat Virtualization 4.4 Issue: All the hosted-engine hosts vdsm certificates are expired. The hosted-engine VM is down and it’s unable to start it using hosted-engine –vm-start because of expired certificates. Resolution: Since CA of the RHV environment is the RHV manager which is down, we have to get the CA certificates and keys to the host […]
Receive Caller ID and dial USSD via AT commands
Sample code : #include “SIM900.h” #include //#include “inetGSM.h” //#include “sms.h” //#include “call.h” //To change pins for Software Serial, use the two lines in GSM.cpp. //GSM Shield for Arduino // //this code is based on the example of Arduino Labs. //Simple sketch to communicate with SIM900 through AT commands. //InetGSM inet; //CallGSM call; //SMSGSM sms; int […]