Red hat linux

How to remove powered by phplist

If that’s what you want to do, the following hack will do it (it looks like a cleaner solution would require figuring out where the [SIGNATURE] in the email template is coming from and removing that). These instructions are for phplist version 2.10.2.

  1. Search lists/admin/sendemaillib.php for $text["signature"] = "\n\n--\nPowered by PHPlist, --\n\n";
  2. Immediately after that line, add the line (or replace the above line with this one):$text[‘signature’] = ”;
  3. Search lists/admin/sendemaillib.php for the part that looks like: if (!EMAILTEXTCREDITS) {
    } else {
    $html[“signature”] = $PoweredByText;
  4. Add the following line after that section: $html[‘signature’] = ”;
  5. Upload the lists/admin/sendemaillib.php file to replace the one on your hosted site and you should be good to go.

To remove Powered by line form Subscribe page,

Go to config/config.php Credits section: Change values 0 to 1.

This will convert powered by image to text.

Go to admin/connect.php

Change $PoweredByText = ”;


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