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Deploy NGINX Ingress Controller on AKS Kubernetes using Helm
Step 1 – Allocate Public IP for Ingress The following command will allocate Public IP : az network public-ip create –resource-group [resource-group] –name [name for public IP] –sku Standard –allocation-method static –query publicIp.ipAddress -o tsv Step 2 – Install NGINX Ingress Controller using Helm An ingress controller, because it is a core component of Kubernetes, […]
Password less command line scripts with MySQL 5.6
I have a number of command line scripts that copy MySQL databases down from staging servers and store them locally. These scripts set the password on the command line using the -p option. With MySQL 5.6, a new warning is displayed every time my scripts run: Warning: Using a password on the command line interface […]
Howto install sar & ksar system activity info in Centos / Redhat
The sar command collect, report, or save UNIX / Linux system activity information. It will save selected counters in the operating system to the /var/log/sa/sadd file. Fromlinux-logo the collected data, you get lots of information about your server: CPU utilization Memory paging and its utilization Network I/O, and transfer statistics Process creation activity All block […]