Nagios android and IOS mobile notifications
nagios Red hat linux Shell scripting

Configure Android / IOS notificationfor Network Monitoring With Nagios

Download Source File This PHP API script reads Nagios status.dat file and return the JSON result. This API is desinged for Nagios Client unofficial Nagios status monitoring app. Step 1 Upload nath_status.php to your Nagios web root folder. ###Nagios Core’s 3.5.1 default Web Root folder Web Root Folder – Centos /usr/share/nagios/html/ ###Nagios Core’s default Web Root folder Web […]


nagios Red hat linux

Send Nagios SMS Alert with Gnokii

Installing Gnokii Requirements – intltool-0.35.0-2.i386.rpm tar -xzvf gnokii-0.6.28.tar.gz cd gnokii-0.6.28 ./configure make make install cp -Rdp /usr/share/doc/gnokii/sample/gnokiirc /root/.gnokiirc or cp -Rdp /usr/share/doc/gnokii/sample/gnokiirc /etc/gnokiirc configure Gnokii for Wavecom GSM modem #vim /root/.gnokiirc [global] port = /dev/ttyS0 model = AT initlength = default connection = serial use_locking = no serial_baudrate = 9600 smsc_timeout = 10 [xgnokii] allow_breakage […]


nagios Red hat linux

Send SNMP Traps from Nagios to Remote Management Host

1. Add ‘send snmp trap’ command to nagios vim /usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/commands.cfg define command{ command_name send_snmptrap command_line /usr/bin/snmptrap -v 2c -c public ” NAGIOS-NOTIFY-MIB::nSvcEvent nSvcHostname s “$HOSTNAME$” nSvcDesc s “$SERVICEDESC$” nSvcStateID i $SERVICESTATEID$ nSvcOutput s “$SERVICEOUTPUT$” } 2. Add this event and enable the event to services which needed to send traps vim /usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/localhost.cfg define service{ […]


nagios Red hat linux

Nagios Notifications using SMTP server with Authentication

We needed to setup Nagios to utilize our internet service providers SMTP Email server for notification emails. The biggest problem was that the ISP’s outgoing email server requires authentication. Nagios setup with SMTP outgoing authentications. These are instructions and examples on how we got this setup working. I hope this helps others in the Nagios […]
