In Red Hat Virtualization earlier than version 4.4 SP1, all certificates followed a 398 day lifetime. Starting in Red Hat Virtualization version 4.4 SP1, the self-signed internal certificates between hypervisors and the Manager follow a five year lifetime. Certificates visible to web browsers still follow the standard 398 day lifetime and must be renewed once […]
Red hat linux
Update oVirt hosted-engine host certificates VM if the are expired
Environment: Red Hat Virtualization 4.4 Issue: All the hosted-engine hosts vdsm certificates are expired. The hosted-engine VM is down and it’s unable to start it using hosted-engine –vm-start because of expired certificates. Resolution: Since CA of the RHV environment is the RHV manager which is down, we have to get the CA certificates and keys to the host […]
How to Update Third-Party SSL Certificates on GitLab
Updating third-party SSL certificates on GitLab involves replacing the existing certificate files with the new ones and reconfiguring GitLab. Here’s how to do it 1. Obtain New SSL Certificates You can use my CSR Generator to generate a CSR and acquire the SSL certificate. – Acquire the updated SSL certificate and private key from your […]
Gitlab reset Password for root
You will need to do the following: SSH into your Droplet where GitLab is installed. ssh [your-user]@[your-droplet-ip-address] Open the GitLab Rails console. If you installed GitLab via the Omnibus package, you can open the Rails console with: sudo gitlab-rails console Locate the root user and change the password. Once in the console, enter the following commands: user = […]
Deploy NGINX Ingress Controller on AKS Kubernetes using Helm
Step 1 – Allocate Public IP for Ingress The following command will allocate Public IP : az network public-ip create –resource-group [resource-group] –name [name for public IP] –sku Standard –allocation-method static –query publicIp.ipAddress -o tsv Step 2 – Install NGINX Ingress Controller using Helm An ingress controller, because it is a core component of Kubernetes, […]
Kubectl Cheat Sheet
Introduction Kubernetes is a famous container orchestration tool that is very popular in modern software development. If you are using Kubernetes, you must have used Kubectl, which is the command line tool to manage your Kubernetes applications. This guide will walk you through the most frequently used commands for Kubectl. Not only will we discuss […]
secure your web site with SSL (letsencrypt) in Sinhala (සිංහල)
අද මම කියල දෙන්නේ apache වල virtual host එකක් හදල free SSL certificate එකක් දාන විදිය ssl දන්නා කලින් ඔයාල mod ssl install කරගන්න ඕන මේ විදියට. [root@test]# yum install mod_ssl අපි free SSL දාන්නේ letsencrypt වලින්. එකට අපි GIT install කරගෙන එකේ clone එකක් හදාගමු අපේ host එකේ [root@test]# yum install git [root@test]# sudo […]
Setup wordpress on VPS in Sinhala (සිංහල)
අද මම කියල දෙන්නේ එකෙන් අපි අරගත්ත VPS එකේ wordpress install කරන්නේ කොහොමද කියල. web server එක setup කරනහැටි බලන්න අපේ youtube channel එකහරි කලින් පොස්ට් එක හරි බලන්න. මුලින්ම අපි setup කරපු domain එකේ document root එකට ගිහින් wordpress download කරගෙන extract කරගන්නවා මේ විදියට [root@test web]# cd /opt/web/ [root@test web]# ls [root@test […]
Install LAMP On Redhat / Centos 7
LAMP කියන්නේ open-source software කිහිපයක එකතුවක්. ඒ කියන්නේ Linux, Apache HTTP Server, MySQL database, and PHP). මේ tutorial එකේදි මම ඔයාලට කියලා දෙන්නේ කොහොමද RHEL/CentOS 7 වල LAMP install කරන්නේ කියලා. මේකට ඔයාල VPS එකක් හරි dedicated server එකක්හරි ගන්න ඕන. මම එකෙන් VPS එකක් ගන්නවා . ඔයාලටත් එතනින්මහරි වෙන කැමති service provider කෙනෙක්ගෙන් […]
Deploy a Docker registry server with Authentication
Before you can deploy a registry, you need to install Docker on the host. A registry is an instance of the registry image, and runs within Docker. Install docker service with bellow commands. dnf config-manager –add-repo= dnf install -y docker-ce –nobest systemctl enable –now docker dockerstatus=`systemctl status docker | grep “active (running)”` echo “Docker Service […]